In this post we will discuss about how to do the normalization. The picture below is an example ER diagram that normalization will be done.

After we learned ER diagram above carefully, then the first thing we will do is called mapping in the form of a table. Note the relationship between the entities and attributes that are in it, because the relationship between entities is important in making the final table later. Then after mapping the results are as follows.

For the normalization phase, the need to do is remove the recurrence occurred on the table. Once we do this before the table is already in the form of 1NF.

A relationship is said to meet the second normal form of relations, when the relation is meet the first normal form, and the attributes that are not key is dependent on the key itself. Seen there on the table of pegawai increased to 2 tables in second normal form.

A relationship is said to satisfy the third normal form relations, when the relation meet the second normal form and he attributes that are not key is not transitive dependent on the key itself. Same as in the second normal form, the changes only on the table pegawai only.

This table is only up to the third normal form only, because it is not possible any longer to reach the next normal form.