Base Concept of System

There are two approach groups in defining system, that is emphasizing at its procedure and emphasizing at component or its element. Approach of more emphasizing at system of procedure define the following system:

System are network work from procedures which is interaction, gathering together to conduct an activity or to finish an certain target.

Approach of system representing network work from procedure more emphasizing of medley operate for in system.
Procedure defined by Richard F. Neuschel the following :

A procedure is medley operate for clerical, usually entangle some people in one or more departmental, applied to guarantee uniform handling of business.
transactions that happened.

While approach of more emphasizing at system of element or its component define the following system:

System is corps of elements which is have interaction to reach a specific-purpose.

A system have characteristic or nature of is certain, that is:

1. Components
Component which interact, work along to form one unity

2. Boundary
Limiting system with other system or with external environment

3. Environment
Everything beyond the bounds of the system cause influence operation system

4. Interface
Link between one sub system with other sub system

5. Input
Something entered into system can be the form of treatment input and signal input

6. Output
Result of from something processed and classified to become output which good for

7. Process
Change input become output

8. Objectives and Goal
System told to succeed if or when have hit target or its target

System can be classified from some viewpoint, among others shall be as follows:
1. System classified as abstraction system and physical system
2. System classified as natural system and system made in human being
3. System classified as certain system and indefinite system
4. System classified as closed system and open system


Anonymous February 20, 2009 at 9:45 AM  

I appreciate your effort of using English in your post but I think that your grammar could be improved. All in all good work!

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