There are some point about Investigation System Concept, which the following:

1. Discrepancy between the objective of system and the real condition of system
2. Problem detection report is not real, because:
- the objective is too ideal
- lack of attitude and resources
- system measuring is not accurate
- the objective of system which have to be left behind
- difference between the idle system and the temporary system
3. The Problem solving
- investigation to the system which is running
- getting the ideal system consensus
- choose the best alternative
4. The objective of investigation have to show the problem which in fact is happened

There are some problems when conduct the investigation:
- Time
- Cost
- Science
- Politics
- Intervention


A result from investigation is a recomendation which are the following:
- Does not take any action if the problem does not exist
- Perform system maintenance of the small problems
- Increasing the ability or skills
- Consider modifications to total system
- Putting the problem to occur in the development plan system which immediately made


Why we need tactics?
- to find all issues
- Knowing the causes of the emergence of problems
- to determine the appropriate solution
- Done so that all elements of the system can receive a solution without disrupting their activities.

Some of the tactics that can be done:
- Listen to opinions the subject of system
- Do not give the early breakthrough
- Compare the stories from the subject of system concerning in the same case
- Note the logical inconsistency problem


- The questionnaire
- Observations
Not directly:
- Flow of procedure
- Reviewing documents
- Sample
- Tabular


- Input
- Output
- File
- Data elements
- Transaction volume and document action
- Data flow diagram

Stage of intensive interaction between the systems analyst with the end user where the system development team show their expertise to get feedback and trust so that the user get a good participation.

4 purpose that want to achieved:
- Explain the complete system
- describing the ideal Information System
- Bringing the ideal information system to a condition at this time to pay attention to the constraints of resources
- Providing encouragement to the confidence of user in the system development

- Kuisioner
- Observation
- Analysis procedure
- Document observation

Resources problems:
- Time
- Money
- Expertise
- Technology
- External Factors

Document requirement:
- Analysis direction: Relationships with end users, the observation process, problems in data collection
- User Requirements: actual requirement, reporting requirements, training requirement and the influence of the new system
- System Obstacle: Explaining the cost and time constraints, expertise, technology, and external factors
- Document form data collection instruments, statistical consensus, flow of the logical data and physical data, data elements in the initial data dictionary.


How to approach the condition of the system at this time with the condition of the ideal system?
- Create an alternative to solve the problem of information system
- The best alternative is applied wisely

Options Strategies
- Distributed versus centralized processing
Changes in information decision-making from the centralized data processing to the decentralized end user responsibility center
- Integrated versus dispersed database
System designer must consider the data which are entered in the database and into the file
- Surround Strategy of System Development
About important environmental strategy in the case of company takeovers because the information system of other companies may vary with the company at this time.

Options Tactics
- The design is done before the selection operation

Designing Operational Options
The design options can be grouped into:
a. Input
- Online Vs Off Line Data Entry
- Keyed Vs Machine Readable Data Entry
- Centralized Vs Decentralized Data Entry
b. Processing
- Batch Vs Realtime record update
- Sequential Vs Direct Access to records
- Single Vs Multiple Users update of records
c. Output
- Traditional Vs Turn Around Documents
- Structured Vs Inquiry-based reports


a. Comparing tactics: System comparison based on the costs and benefits relatively; There are 3 ways a system is superior to the other, if:
- A's cost is lower than B and both are the same benefits.
- A's cost is lower than B and A yield more advantage than B.
- A and B have the same but the A's cost advantage more than B.

b. Some methods of comparison system
- Break Even point Analyisis
- Payback Period
- Discounted PayBack period
- Internal Rate of Return

c. Category Cost
- Hardware
- Software
- People
- Suppliers
- Teleccommunications
- Physical sites

d. Fee Details
Comparing the cost of information systems through the life of the system, analysis is calculating the cost changes for the future and there are 3 models of cost of information system, namely Linear, and exponentially Step Function.

e. Cost of information system can occur only once and can also occur continously.
- The cost of information systems that occur only once is ontime cost and development cost that occur during the development of the system.
- The cost of information systems that occur on a continual basis are reccuring cost and operational cost where the cost of this is happened when the information system operates every day.

Qualitative factors that lead the performance of a good information system are:
- Reduce errors
- Reduce the time to fix errors
- Reducing the response time from the alternative workstation
- Accelerating the provision of information
- Increase the security system
- Have active update source record
- Increase user satisfaction

- Customer satisfaction
- Level sales increased
- Commitment of consumers and vendors
- Information of marketing products


- Conduct a brief presentation
- Reduce technical explanation in detail
- Presenting clearly with visual aids
- If using a model using a tool such as a laptop so that more informative
- Emphasize the benefits of the proposed information system with some alternative that is appropriate conditions experienced by the company.

- If the company decided to develop the system, the information department will do next, namely the System Design Process.
- If the other way then the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) will be terminated.
- Often a problem will be found with the study system and then usually top management will ask for the re-employment the study system.
- Model will describe some of the stages of the repeated and sometimes the information will make a decision before the repeat stage system of study.
- With the alternative, the decision to repeat a previous stage SDLC or not is called Go-No-Go Decision.


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